Tuesday, November 1, 2011

North Bintan Tour (part 2)

Remember my little Indonesia trip? Lemme continue boring you with a Part 2 :)) That is if you're like me who hails from almost the same environment, being that my own country is in the same continent (Asia) and this North Bintan Tour package actually has reminded me so much of my own province.. . if  you could relate _ well, I'm warning you : this post could be one boring ride. On the contrary, if you're coming from a tiring city life, this may refresh you and if you're one nature lover _so why not? Go green!

Our second stop was a local beach - Sebong Pereh. Quite like one of our coves in my country. Zero crowd, totally non-commercialized_ which is pure love.

Prestine sea, neat creamy sand beach. In another time, I would love to beach around in this cove. But not that day  cos we didn't have time other than take a photo or two.

I went back to our package itinerary  and now I realized our guide didn't bring us to a *small Malay fishing village*, or maybe this beach was also the fishing village?? One thing thu', I didn't remember seeing a fishing boat here. . .

. .or just slipped from  my memory, cos I found this photo from my brother's personal collection of the place. Oh, I'm not really sure if this one belonged here. Whatever! haha. 

On our way to our third stop, signs on the road in local language were quite interesting. Thanks for the English translations.

Our third stop brought us to a farm. All the works - rice paddy, tiny fish pond, et., etc.. . and coconut trees!! Omg! I slept half of the ride to this place and woke-up wondering if  I were home! So much like my province in my country.

Sungka to us. I remember asking the guide how do they call this. . my memory gap works so well, I can't remember now, haha.

Just one look and I knew so well what's going on in this place. I almost suggested to my company to skip this one and went on to the next stop. Just almost but did not!

First of all we paid for this and secondly, the in- house guide was so enthusiastic to show us around even though his English was better pronounced in sign  language. His sincere smile was enough thu'. So out of politeness, we play along, just like real tourists with wide-open eyes.  

Under this wooden bridge, the guide said : fish! We took a look and saw tiny, tiny fishes, haha. What's this a joke? haha. But the guide was so kind so we replied : nice!

We went on tagging along behind our gentleman farm guide under the scorching heat of Indonesian sun.

Until, I had to cut this small rice paddy tour, really for real! At this point the guide was already on foot the muddy part of the paddy. Hey!! could we stop here? already?

We politely said goodbye to our guide and he smiled so sincerely backed to us. I guess we understood each other then, haha.

We were served freshly harvested coconuts from the trees around the farm. So sweet.

So there, the part two. Later, I'll share the rest of the tour ( we also visited Chinese temples and a local town). I'll see you in my next post, okey:D

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