Sunday, August 29, 2010

Scuba Diving

Guest Blogger : Nell Cenizal of My Simple But Odd Mind

Spices of life savor our very monotonous life. That’s why recreations are crafted by people who are initially bored. Off the social networking pipelines and humdrum of clicking likes, comments and praising everyone that catch my humorous intuition. The whole week seems like unvarying, that triggers my boredom. Away from the keyboard, I finally had the courage of harvesting my web mastering bonus from my tomadachi Toyofumi(Toshi). My

sailing lessons had been halted by frequent false eruption alarms of the moody Taal Volcano. His business also has diversified, offering ranges of recreational activities which seem to fill-in the lost time wasted by no-sailing water of Taal.

I must admit this recreation that I’ve just experienced was inept and off my financial capacity nor my type of lifestyle. Well, its free. Isn’t it the best thing in life? I am not rich but having friends like them is winning the opportunity that comes unexpectedly.
I have been skin-diving ever since I was a kid. No gears of anything but I could skin-dive within 30 feet. Catching a pebble in a murky water of Manlayo was my favorite teasing game with my peers.
Most students were Japanese that Toshi had no trouble discussing the pre-lectures in bilingual. Back and forth Nihongo and English whereas he is already adept of doing .

Immersing myself to the most praised recreation for non-bathophobic- fun seeking dude, seemed easier said than done. Knowing how to swim alone doesn’t make you a fast learner with this stuff. In fact it’s the opposite of your body’s keen to keep afloat. I had a hard time sinking myself till the dive-master belted me with sinker made of lead metal. And So I sank, finally and joined the lecturer and students at 26 feet deep. In that confined water we were already interacting and discussing the dos and don’t of scuba diving. –Oh, what s the hand signal again for “What did I miss”.

Well I must say its all about simple Physics. The thing you neglect to learn about atmosphere or bar and water pressure seems like a lecture which is too imperative that you must know by heart. Or else death and paralysis await you. Rote learning the proportion of atmosphere/Bar to your depth that will set your self to equalize the pressure. In mere sense “the things” that you must gear your head with other than goggles.

And so its true, that immersing yourself using PADI Discover Scuba Diving package -replaces “fear of depth/bathophobia” with overflowing enthusiasm. Air bubbles seem to reveal my wheezing over the underwater scenery I missed during my skin-diving.

It was my first time to attend lectures where classroom seemed obviously to be the coral reef underwater. It took us no time memorizing the hand signal, a needed clear-cut. A whiteboard with waterproof pencils became the dive-master’s presentation materials when hand signals were hard to comprehend.
Discover Scuba Diving plunged and lure you to go up the ladder of certification, offers by the largest recreational body the – PADI. The Way The World Learns to Dive ® business slogan lived up to it.
My bonus will go deeper to PADI Openwater certification. Where Toshi are willing to help me through it. This guy has been awarded by PADI by sending almost hundreds of students to Scuba Dive. In short he is almost like a PADI staff yet out of their payroll.

That’s why his upcoming resort adjacent to Dive Sanctuary, will keep him busy once again. If I can only describe Scuba diving compare to any recreational hobbies so to speak… It is more exceptionally adventurous.!!

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