After a while, we stop ignoring the resto, intrigued by the happy diners inside, seen from the road everytime we passed by, finally we walked in.

Upon entering the entrance of the place, my daughter grabbed a magazine from the rack. Flipping over the pages while walking to the table, she was proud of her "freshly found news", and blurted out_" look this resto is featured in this magazine! It must be good!"

Sold by the idea of the magazine, my daughter had right away fell at home with the place. In fairness, it was really homey. It was like you were just in your own dining room. The sofas have literally injected the ambiance.

The menu said nothing new to us, it was all Filipino dishes and obviously with their own original concoction of each dish.

As per suggestion of the waiter we had a must try (according to him) Tadyang ng Baka. Except for me, who was turned off by the obvoust fats, the rest of my family loved this. I tried a little of the lean part, dipped in the condiments, and liked it too.

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