Monday, June 18, 2012

When the sun goes up. .

Sad.. summer is over. The recent typhoon Butchoy ( heard still around in the country today and tomorrow a new one is said to come :( ) says a lot about the onset of the season I hated most_ the wet ( reads as typhoon ) season.

The whole summer, we never missed our mornin' jog everyday, until the second week of June which cut my denial that sunny days were truly over. Can't do anymore roofless fitness. Means to settle down with  indoor activities such as cook + eat + eat = weight gain :( yaeeks.. hate it x100!!
You say, I can always go to the gym. Been there.done that. Failed cos when the rain fell, my feet were too cold to go to the gym to sweat.

One fateful day of the concluded summer2012, during our stay at Acasia Hotel Manila , husband and I woke-up the following morning early to workout in the hotel's gym.( this was at the height of our self-inflicted/personal fitness program that we didn't let any disruption got into our daily fitness routine), only to find out that the hotel's gym wasn't ready yet for the guest. Good thing the interested guests were sent free to Golds Gym (in Alabang) instead. So we hopped in the hotel car and were brought to the Golds Gym. The car left us and reminded us to just call the hotel to fetch us back. The gym's guard met us at the gate to announce that the gym was close that day ( I forgot what day it was..) cos it was some cleaning/maintenance day. wtf!
We didn't call the hotel for the car back, we decided to just jog around the area. But ofcourse I did confront the concierge when I got back, haha.

Anyway, what I'm trying to arrive at is how we discovered our latest jogging hub that summer. It was at the vicinity of Filinvest, Alabang. We saw that many people were already frequenting the area. But we don't always love crowds, so we walked furthermore. .

passing by some high-end residences and The Palms Country Club, at this point we're now free of the jogging crowds that seemed to mushroom at the previous part of the area.

Since then, we frequented the area the whole sunny mornings of this year's summer. It was a haven. We love that it was secluded, the air seemed fresh. .

with a beautiful landscape ever. .

beautiful not only to the eyes but for the legs too. There were hill-y parts that were quite challenging and therefore more benefiting to our fitness goal.

. . greens everywhere. How could you not start the day right with that freshness? In a city? It's a rarity.

We really miss our mornings there. Well, it's out of our control now. The weather has the say for the mean time. We'll be back when the sun goes up again, I guess.
This reminds me years back when the MOA (SM) was yet on the construction phase. It was still crowdless and we used to jog there then too. One day when we went back, the buildings were all up already and the crowds were hopelessly massive, that's the end of our mornings there.
I know the same thing is coming to this latest fave of ours, hope not that too soon thu'.
We want more morning runs there :D

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