Saturday, August 29, 2009

Mayon's Peak

The last time that I was in Legazpi, Albay , my cam had cramps and I wasn't able to get photo souvenirs of the beautiful volcano.

With that deprived experience, when I saw the peak of Mt. Mayon peeped in the clouds, I felt a wave of seeing it for the first time!

Then it occurred to me, just a month ago (July2009), I read from the news that Mt. Mayon was in alert 2 and the nearby residents were advised to evacuate.

Uncanny thoughts were playing in my mind_ since the tip of the volcano, which I assumed was its mouth where the smoke was coming out, was very visible from my window seat...

... if in anyway, at that very moment, it exploded!..would the lava reached my plane? hahaha! Just plain plane weird thoughts!

..then I saw Mayon rising up beautifully, floating on the sky.Well, living to its name_Mayon roots from the word magayon which means beautiful.

As the clouds thinned out, I lost a view of the volcano. Filled in by the sight of green rocky hills

Immediately interspersed by green plains. Now, this reminded me of my daughter's school homework regarding "land forms".

If only she was with me right now, I could easily pointed to her, in actual vision of volcano, hills and plains. well, photos would do I guess..

The perfect Mayon was coming back in sight_ bigger..

... more perfectly..

.. still a perfect cone to me..

.. getting closer..

... just arrived!!!

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