Revisiting Matabungkay in Lian, Batangas, it seemed the characters of the place_ that of being known for its wide beach and clear waters, have managed to stay.

The ocean was wide and blue yet invitingly calm for water rides. It was a lot lesser crowded than the famous Boracay but was offering basically similar activities.

I was able to make a fair bargain for the jetski so everyone in the family took turns to enjoy it.

They were not strict with time here. They even gave us some bonus extension time for banana boat.

Manong (the driver) was so challenged to drown our banana boat had enjoyed circling us the fastest he could, but we hold so tight, he couldn't beat us.

Now this one was more challenging and would take some leaping on water surface.

The size of flying fish doubled the banana boat and could take times two a number of passengers.

We weren't ready for it. We just watched.

There were two people who were unhappy_our youngsters! They felt left out not being able to join in our water rides.

So we took them for a swim and later...

...rented a banca (boat), so the kids would take their turn for fun on a lot safer vehicle.

We feasted on beautiful corals that Batangas is also known for.

Then something funny came up! Our boat ran out of gas!!hahaha! We were in the middle of the ocean. Our driver had to borrow my cellphone to call his partner. He fetched us, pulled our boat by jetski.

It all ended well.
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