Sunday, June 3, 2012

It's more fun to skate in the Phils.

I bet not all of you have already ridden a railroad "skates" ( I heard the locals referred to it as "iskits", reads as in our vernacular ). Don't worry, there are lots of them in the provinces of Quezon and Bicol. It's never too late to experience the quaint ride. Infact, me and my girls had our first ride only this afternoon. It was so fun!

The ride comes also with a lot of twist. Like the skates could bring you in the middle of a railroad bridge with massive body of water underneath. . now here comes the real train coming from the opposite direction. .omg! Whatodooo? Well, good news  the skates could easily be lifted off the tracks ( and wait at the side of the road for its turn ) to give way to the one coming, most especially if it's the king of the railroad approaching. Bad news if caught in the middle of a rail bridge. Where do you think the passengers and the skates would go? Jump with the skates down the river?
Well,  I just got home from a long road trip and quite sleepy already. I'll help you survive the situation when I get back to post about this interesting ride.
Tomorrow maybe.
*you can see more of the skates now here :D

1 comment:

  1. Hmmm..Interesting Ride indeed.

    Would visit again to know more abt this ride.

    PS: One of the search led to your page. :)
